Sunday, October 5, 2014

How do you get ready?

Welcome to Colin Hitschler's Blog
As a Football Coach, I wanted to begin my blog with a series of discussion questions based upon preparing for a big game/test:
  I am wondering what are your superstitions?
 What do you do to focus yourself before a big game or test? 
When does the process start and how did you come about this process?

I appreciate your help and look forward to reading your responses.


  1. I have three key rules that I always follow on testing days (or on the days of other big life events). Firstly, I always eat eggs and toast for breakfast. This is particular to testing days because, on any other day, I would normally eat cereal for breakfast. However, I switched to eggs and toast because I have found that sugary Lucky Charms and nervous test tummy do not mix. Also, this breakfast keeps me full, as it is hard to concentrate on a test when you are worrying about everyone hearing your growling stomach. Secondly, I never look over my notes on the day of a test, as I have found that it is more stressful than useful to cram a bunch of notes five minutes before the test. Thirdly, and most importantly, I always spend a little extra time petting my sweet German Shepherd, Ignatius, before leaving for a big test. He calms me down and looks at me with these big eyes that say, "Good luck, Mom!"

  2. I think it is funny how food is always so important from a preparation stand point. It has always been a ritual for me to have pizza the night before a big event and I do not like to eat to close to a test or game. I like to be a bit hungry because it makes me focus better.

  3. I have always had horrible study habits - it's something I am currently trying to change now that I am in grad school. I never thought about how I may be superstitious before a test, but I guess that I sort of am. Whenever I am studying for a test I chew Trident peppermint gum the entire time - I go through loads of gum every semester. Then, when I get to the test, I chew the exact same type of gum throughout the test. Not only does it get my brain going, I feel like it helps me to remember things better. The morning of the test though I always start out with a piece of peanut butter toast and a huge bottle of Spark (my substitute for coffee). Last, right before I take my test, I say a prayer. It's the prayer that calms me down and gets me focused more than anything else.
    I don't quite know when this "ritual" started but it has helped me through many many years of school thus far. Hopefully it will continue to do so.

  4. I like that you chew the same gum while studying as during the test. Senses like taste and smell can really stimulate the mind to bring you back to your practice and remember the material better during the test. I think I may adopt this approach during my own studying in the future to see how it works for me.
